Title: Ice Chamber Author: pencil gal Fandom: Sailor Moon Rating: PG-13 Summary: AU. In a future that perhaps awaits us all, Serena is an extremely powerful yet insane young woman. Darien is a man trying to uncover what the government wants kept hidden. And he just paid his way onto her ship. Serena/Darien.
It's been over a year and a half since I wrote one of these drabbles. I'm hoping this will be the start of me getting back into them and finishing them though :)
Theme: 88. Lazy Days Author: pencil_gal Characters: Mamoru, Usagi. Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 181 words
Title: Ice Chamber Author: pencil gal Fandom: Sailor Moon Rating: PG-13 Summary: AU. In a future that perhaps awaits us all, Serena is an extremely powerful yet insane young woman. Darien is a man trying to uncover what the government wants kept hidden. And he just paid his way onto her ship. Serena/Darien.
Title: Ice Chamber Author: pencil gal Fandom: Sailor Moon Rating: PG-13 Summary: AU. In a future that perhaps awaits us all, Serena is an extremely powerful yet insane young woman. Darien is a man trying to uncover what the government wants kept hidden. And he just paid his way onto her ship. Serena/Darien.
Title: Ice Chamber Author: pencil gal Fandom: Sailor Moon Rating: PG-13 Summary: AU. In a future that perhaps awaits us all, Serena is an extremely powerful yet insane young woman. Darien is a man trying to uncover what the government wants kept hidden. And he just paid his way onto her ship. Serena/Darien.
Ha! I finally did it! The massive 3.5 times normal length chapter is finally finished after eight months. Now it's time for me to go back and continue working on Nineteen-Seventeen (Usagi/Mamoru AU one-shot) so that it will be finished by April 25th (Anzac Day).